Dear Miriam,

I have recently discovered something very disturbing about someone close to me and I’m hoping you can advise me how to deal with it.

During the last 40 years, several personal items have gone missing from my house including expensive clothes, a gold watch, other jewellery, money etc. I could never understand this, as I have always been at home here. This has me tormented to the point that I made contact with several people with gifted powers to see if they could help me shed light on the matter but to no avail.

I finally got in contact with a psychic who was able to tell me it was my sister who stole all my possessions. I was and am sickened and horrified at this information.

I should have guessed it was her as when I lived in Dublin, she would come to visit for the weekend and after she left, an item of my clothing went missing. But I never thought she would steal from my and my husband’s home.

What can I do? All I know is I will never let her inside my door again. I haven’t spoken to her since my daughter’s wedding, when she was an embarrassment to me with her rude, interfering and ignorant behaviour. She is a teacher by profession, and doesn’t want for anything so is this a case of Kleptomania?


Tormented sister

Dear Tormented sister,

I am very sorry that your relationship with your sister has broken down in such a distressing way. I would however urge you to press the pause button on accusing your sister of theft, when regardless of the information a psychic offered, I didn’t read anything in your letter to suggest you have actual proof that your sister is the culprit.

I appreciate how upsetting and frustrating a situation it was to have personal items go missing over such a long period of time. The fact you sought out help from a number of sources shows how determined you were to get to the bottom of things.

However, the readings of a psychic do not add up to actual proof or evidence of your sister’s guilt.

If you are correct in your assertion that she is at fault and therefore may be suffering from a mental health disorder such as Kleptomania, she needs help.

Kleptomania is a condition that involves repeatedly being unable to resist urges to steal items that the person generally doesn’t really need.

Regardless of the information a psychic offered, I didn’t read anything in your letter to suggest you have actual proof that your sister is the culprit

You say your sister has a good job and doesn’t want for anything, so for her to take your clothes and jewellery along with money, may indicate the type of impulse control disorder associated with Kleptomania.

But without medical assessment it is impossible to say.

You say that her behaviour at a recent family wedding reinforced your desire to remove her from your life, which again is understandable when you are feeling so hurt and betrayed.

Without any actual proof that your sister has taken your belongings however, it is very hard to advise you on your next steps.

Perhaps a third party, another sibling perhaps or close family friend could be asked to intervene to mediate between you both. If your sister is given the opportunity to explain her behaviour, if she has done what you accuse her of, she might accept the fact that she may need help from health professionals.

Your letter suggests you are still very angry at your sister, which is understandable, and to that end I would urge you to reach out to someone to talk through your own feelings, as bottling up bitterness and resentment will not serve you well going forward.