Figures published this week show strong growth in Irish milk production for milk supply from April through to July. According to figures published this week by the CSO, Irish milk production for July stood at just under 1bn litres – a new record volume of milk for that month and up more than 4% on last year.

The strong growth in July milk collections in Ireland follows equally strong growth in April, May and June, when production was up by 3% to 4% per month. Indeed, from April through to July, Irish dairy farmers have produced a combined 4.1bn litres of milk this year, which is the highest volume of milk every produced through the peak months.

The July production figures brings Irish milk supplies for the first seven months of 2020 (Jan-July) to a cumulative 5.3bn litres, which up almost 4%, or 200m litres, on the same period last year.

As we turn into the autumn months of 2020, Irish milk production will now start to fall month on month. However, at the current pace of supply growth, Irish milk production for 2020 is on course to hit somewhere in the region of 8.2bn to 8.3bn litres.