Milk deliveries to four UK milk processors were maintained despite protests led by members of the vegan group Animal Rebellion, the processors affected have said.
Demonstrations took place at Arla Foods’ distribution centre in Aylesbury and at the Müller dairy processing plants located in Severnside, Droitwich and Bridgwater.
Protests began on Sunday 5 Sepember and it is understood that most protesters have been removed from the demonstration sites by police.
An Animal Rebellion social media account had said that the “tyres of trucks were let down and pipes filled with expanding foam” at one of these demonstrations, with the group also claiming to have had more than 100 protesters in combined attendance.
Equipment seized
Speaking on Sunday, Gloucestershire Constabulary said that equipment “designed to cause serious disruption” had been confiscated at a protest attributed to an animal rights group at a location near Severnside.
Five arrests were made in relation to this seizure, with another three arrests made at the protest
A spokesperson for Müller claimed that attempts were made to disrupt its activities in comments made to the Irish Farmers Journal.
“Despite some attempts to damage equipment at our dairies, supplies of milk and collections from farms are being maintained due to the hard work and professionalism of our employees,” they said.
“This small group of activists don’t represent the 96% of adults in Britain who choose milk every week,” the spokesperson added.
Protestors removed
Arla told the Irish Farmers Journal that protesters demonstrating outside its plant in Aylesbury had been removed from the premises by police, but that efforts were still under way to remove activists from areas inside the premises.
“Normal milk production continued throughout the day and all roads around the site are open,” the Arla spokesperson said.
“A small number of protesters entered the site overnight and the police are working to remove them. However, this is not causing any disruption and the site is fully operational as normal,” they explained.