Lakeland Dairies has cut its August milk price by 0.75c/l on last month’s price.
In the Republic of Ireland, a price of 28.49c/l excluding VAT has been agreed for milk supplied in August.
In Northern Ireland, a price of 24.50p/l will be paid for August supplies. The price has reduced by 0.75p/l on last month’s price.
Weak demand
Commenting on the price, Lakeland said: “Despite the moderation in milk supplies, the global dairy market continues to be hit by weak demand across a range of products as a result of significant Brexit trade uncertainty and US-China trade wars.
“Lakeland will continue to monitor the market closely in the coming week.”
ICMSA dairy committee chair Gerald Quain said farmers expected co-ops, at the very minimum, to hold milk prices at current levels for August.
Farmers expect co-ops to hold August milk price
Dairy Management: building grass, empty cows and last orders for fertiliser