When we construct artificial surfaces on our farms, such as farm roads, yards, paved areas, or shed roofs, we inadvertently create zones where rainwater cannot naturally seep into the soil.
Instead, water flows swiftly across these hard surfaces, gaining momentum and carrying sediment and other potential contaminants along with it.
While soiled water must be directed to storage tanks, one option for improving the quality of rainwater runoff is to create ‘wetland planted buffer zones’. These simple, nature based systems work by ‘slowing the flow’ of water, which in turn allows sediment to settle and excess nutrients to be naturally absorbed by wetland vegetation before reaching nearby watercourses.
Moreover, when these buffer zones are populated with native wetland plants, they can serve as valuable wildlife habitats.
Water quality measures
Footprint Farmer Martin Crowe has carried out a wide range of wetland and water-quality related measures on his 353ac dairy farm in Co Limerick in recent years.
Actions he has undertaken include creating a substantial wildlife pond and buffering the pond area with a two-hectare riparian zone under ACRES.
He has also recently constructed a wetland planted buffer zone to help to filter any contaminants out of clean water runoff from his farmyard.
Constructing a wetland planted buffer zone
To construct this system, Martin excavated three collecting pools; each divided by an earthen dam and interconnected by overflow pipes.
The three collecting pools serve to decelerate the water flow, enabling the heavier sediment to settle.
The overflow pipes then transport the cleaner surface water to the subsequent collecting pool, where this process is repeated.
This week, wetlands expert Féidhlim Harty (www.wetlandsystems.ie) paid a visit to Martin’s farm to help him to put the finishing touches on his filtration system.
Martin and Féidhlim were joined by Footprint Farmer Barry Powell, who milks 400 cows on his 420ac dairy farm in Co Tipperary.
Like Martin, Barry is keen to explore simple, nature-friendly solutions to mitigating the risks of water pollution from farmyard runoff.
The focus on the day was on populating the collecting pools in Martin’s new system with native wetland plants.
These plants play a dual role by both further slowing and filtering the water as it progresses through the system and by aiding in the absorption of any surplus nutrients.
Martin chose to plant a variety of native species, including bulrush, common reed, branched bur reed, yellow flag iris, and reed sweet grass.
Additionally, watercress and brooklime have already naturally established themselves in the area.
Since these plants are native species, they will also provide an excellent habitat for our native wetland wildlife, including many species of insects, birds and mammals.
Over the coming weeks, we’ll be checking in on Martin’s progress with his newly planted filtration system.
We’ll also be reporting from Barry’s farm, where he’ll be working with Féidhlim to explore how a similar filtration system to Martin’s could help to improve water quality in his own farming system.