A few weeks before our Women & Agriculture Conference, we asked attendees and readers to send in their health insurance queries so that health insurance expert Dermot Goode could help them find a policy that works better for them when speaking at the conference.
The response was exceptional. Unfortunately, we couldn’t answer all queries, but we took those with a common theme to help as many people as possible. If your query wasn’t answered, you can contact Dermot directly on the details below.
His usual charge for a consultation is €125, but if readers quote ‘Sligo2019’, they will receive a 10% discount. If their existing cover is competitive and if it’s unlikely that a review will be of benefit, Dermot will confirm this to them up-front and no fee will apply.
On the other hand, if your policy isn’t benefitting you, a change could save you hundreds of euros, as our examples below show.
1 Myself (68) and my husband (72) are on Laya’s Company Care Plus. Last year, it cost us €4,168 (€2,268 per adult). This year, we would have to pay an extra €367 meaning we’ll be paying out €4,536. We have been on the same plan for the last five years.
This is good cover from Laya, but if this reader doesn’t mind taking on a small excess per claim to private hospitals only, we’d recommend they consider either the Laya Care Select at €1,522 or the Laya Simplicity scheme at €1,318 per adult. All these plans cover up to private accommodation in private hospitals.
2 I’m 78, a fit and retired teacher. My husband (82) is a retired farmer but is healthy and still helping out every day. Our policy is with Irish Life Health and the plan is Best Ultimate 2 ILH. It costs us €1, 937 per adult and we are with them three years.
This is an excellent corporate plan covering private accommodation in private hospitals. If this reader wants to keep the same hospital cover and very similar out-patient benefits, they should check out the 4D Health 5 corporate plan also from Irish Life Health costing €1,714 per adult. However, if this person is happy taking on a €50 excess on every private hospital claim including day-case admissions, then they could also consider the 4D Health 4 corporate plan costing €1,525 per adult.
3 We are members of Laya Health Care and our plan is Simplicity with €100 excess. My husband had a defib fitted over a year ago. We are paying €1,317 per adult.
Again, this is an excellent plan covering private accommodation in private hospitals with a small excess per claim. It currently costs €1,317 per adult but we understand this plan will be reducing in cost from 2 November 2019. Unless this reader’s requirements have changed since their last renewal, we’d be suggesting they consider renewing with no changes.
4 I am a 71-year-old woman on Laya Health Smart Family. It is costing me €247 a month (€2,964 a year).
This is a dated consumer plan from Laya which is no longer available. This means this reader will have to select alternative cover either from Laya or one of the other health insurers from her next renewal date. As per the reader in question one, if this person is happy with Laya Healthcare, they could consider either the Care Select at €1,522 or the Simplicity scheme at €1,318. If they are open to switching insurers, this reader could also consider the Irish Life Health 4D Health 5 scheme at €1,714 or the Vhi Company Plan Extra Level 1 at €1,670 per adult.
5 My son will be turning 35 in February and he has no health insurance in place. He is a smoker but has no health problems.
We would recommend that this person takes out good cover prior to turning 35 as age loadings will apply from then onwards, an amount of 2% extra for each year over 34 onwards. They could consider any of the following plans which cover both public and private hospitals:
6 I am 45 and I’m on the Irish Life Benefit Plan. It costs me €971 a year with a €200 excess. I have no health issues.
This is still a very good mid-level plan from Irish Life Health. If this reader is looking to upgrade their cover, we’d suggest they consider either the 4D Health 1 scheme at €1,102 which includes high-tech cardiac cover or even the 4D Health 2 scheme at €1,277 which includes day-to-day cover (guaranteed refunds on out-patient expenses with no excess to pay first). Otherwise, if they’re happy with the current level of cover, we’d be suggesting they consider renewing with no changes.
8 Myself and my wife have Vhi One Plan Starter which covers private treatment in a public hospital. This costs us €1,010 per year. We have a medical card but we would like some private cover. How much more would it cost to have this facility?
This is an entry-level plan covering public hospitals only which has now been withdrawn by Vhi and replaced by a new scheme called PublicPlus Care costing €480 per adult. All members on these plans need to be careful as the cover is very limited, hence the low cost. If this reader is interested in increasing their cover, we’d suggest they consider either the One Plan 250 costing €896 per adult or the PMI 4015 scheme costing €1,050 per adult both of which cover public and private hospitals. The PMI 4015 is more expensive as it carries a lower excess of €75 per claim.