The Safe Family Farms initiative launched last year by The ESB Networks and the Irish Farmers Journal, has been delivering key safety advice on a weekly basis. As part of this new programme this will be ESB Networks’ first involvement at the FTMTA Grass & Muck.
The goal is to highlight the risks that can arise when using machines near electricity poles and overhead wires. Although the dangers are overhead and underground, the initiative seeks to highlight that electrical power is completely safe if treated with respect.
The aim of the demonstrations and discussions at the event will be to increase public awareness of the presence of potential dangers when there are poles and wires nearby.
Demonstration 1: HEDGECUTTER
The first demonstration will feature a hedgecutter working on a hedge, a typical scenario on every farm. It can often be difficult to see live electricity wires, or to judge the distance to them.
It is very important to understand that you don’t have to make physical contact with the wires or the top of the stay for an accident to happen. Merely coming too close can be enough, because electricity can jump gaps.
Another issue the demonstration will highlight is the need to avoid damaging the pole itself. It has happened that the pole has been damaged by the saw.
A further very common problem is involves the damage caused to the stay. Often the stay, essential for supporting the pole and the wires overhead, is hidden in the hedge.
It is important that when cutting hedges the machine operator walks the area and identifies where the poles and stays are. The safest thing to do is to expose the pole and stay using hand tools.
Demonstration 2: HIGH MACHINERY
The second demonstration will highlight the risks involved with using high machinery near overhead wires or stacking bales directly underneath.
Often the most attractive places to stack bales is where poles and wires are located. Indeed ESB Networks has come across situations when scarecrows have been hung from the live 20,000v wires. The demonstration at Grass & Muck will explain how dangerous this could have been for the person involved.
Moving high loads directly underneath wires, where they will be too close, and having someone lift the wires is another highly dangerous practice.
The advice is to never take chances. Instead, contact ESB Networks and discuss how best to eliminate the risks.
Demonstration 3: POLES AND CABLES
The third demonstration will highlight how to avoid danger when working near poles and cables. This increasingly arises when new buildings are erected and changes made to the farmyard.
Often the transformer pole and stay are nearby and may need to be re-located. The advice is to contact ESB Networks in advance, as the underground cable needs to be identified and located before any ground is broken.
With larger and larger machinery in use, there have been a number of serious near misses where transformer poles and stays have been hit, causing the pole to break, putting the farmer at risk of electrocution.
It is important to steer clear of electricity poles and stays. Where a stay is accidentally damaged or cut, please report this immediately to ESB Networks on 1850 372 999.
Something that may seem insignificant can turn out to be very important. So in the interest of public safety and the safety of neighbours, it is imperative to report such incidents.
Stays are intrinsic to the structure of the pole. A damaged or loose stay means the pole is not as safe as it needs to be. Although it may not be a problem now, it could become dangerous sometime later.
Arthur’s view on safety
Arthur Byrne, public safety manager with ESB Networks, believes that if there was a greater understanding of the nature of electricity, there would be fewer accidents and near misses.
Arthur adds that on every farm and in every farmyard there needs to be vigilance and above all a realisation that taking chances with electricity is simply not an option.
He says the ESB Networks radio ads have always encouraged the public to “respect the power of electricity”.
The company produced a short video (available on YouTube) titled Farm accident – a lucky escape. It shows a re-enactment of a real event, where a farmer driving a tractor hit a pole, causing it to break and bring the live 20,000v wires down on the roof of the cab.
Luckily the driver had the knowledge and presence of mind to ring the ESB Networks emergency number. By remaining calm in the tractor, the farmer kept neighbours away because of the danger. When the ESB Networks staff arrived, they switched off the line and earthed the conductors at the next pole, making it safe for the farmer to exit the tractor.
Arthur recommends that every farmer watch the video and encourages their family, neighbours and friends to watch it too.
A safe FTMTA Grass & Muck
Gary Ryan, CEO of the FTMTA, wishes everybody a safe journey to and from the event. Quite simply, Gary says he and the staff at the event would like people to return in the same condition they arrived in – maybe just needing a drink and some ice cream.
This event differs from other shows in Ireland, as it has numerous live demonstrations on the day. The machines are big, powerful and safe – provided that all patrons visiting the event look out for their safety and that of those around them.
People are asked to pay attention to the stewards, and respect the new perimeter fence around working machines in each demonstration plot. When the machine stops working, they’ll have the opportunity to get in for a closer inspection. With 119 exhibitors and a large selection of machines working, this event promises to be enjoyable for all.
Both the Irish Farmers Journal and ESB Networks look forward to meeting you at Grass & Muck 2016 and encourage all visitors to attend one of the safety demonstrations on the day.