A new product, NoBACZ Navel, developed in the UK for the desiccation (drying) of the navel and disinfection of the surface is now available on the Irish market. The product, which is also recommended for use on ear tagging sites, has some big claims regarding reduced lamb mortality and increased liveweight gain.
The product characteristics and the results of what is described as the largest ever navel protection study were outlined on a webinar last week by UK-based veterinary specialist Dr Fiona Lovatt and first outlined in a paper at the British Cattle Veterinary Association Congress. The study outlines that NoBACZ Navel demonstrated superior protection compared with iodine, claiming a 21% reduction in mortality on navels treated with NoBACZ Navel when compared with 10% iodine.
Manufacturers of the product NoBACZ Heathcare state that “the economic benefit to the farmer is clear, 17 more lambs alive per 1,000 born and an average of 230g extra bodyweight per lamb at eight weeks more than justifies the investment in NoBACZ”. On a smaller flock basis, this translates to 3.4 lambs per 200 lambs born.
Trial metrics
The product was launched in the 2023-2024 lambing season and at this stage FlockHealth Ltd ran a randomised controlled trial with 11 flocks in the UK. These farms produced 6,840 lambs and the umbilicus (navel) of odd-numbered lambs were treated with 10% iodine, while the navels of even-numbered lambs were administered with NoBACZ Navel.
Practices on the farms were also observed. If a farmer dipped navels then the navel of each lamb was dipped with iodine or NoBACZ and likewise, if they sprayed the exact same practices were used. Survival and weights up to eight weeks of life were monitored.
Figure 1 details information from NoBACZ Healthcare regarding the drying properties of the navel of different products. All treatments dried the navel quicker than the control – ie no treatment – with NoBACZ Navel drying the navel the fastest.
Figure 2 is results from the study comparing mortality in lambs treated randomly with 10% iodine or NoBACZ Navel. NoBACZ Healthcare outlines that “NoBACZ Navel demonstrated superior protection compared with iodine in the study. Evidenced by the 21% reduction in mortality that was observed in the NoBACZ Navel group compared with the iodine group (p=0.005)”.
The company highlights navel infections or ‘infectious suppurative polyarthritis’ (joint-ill) caused by Streptococcus dysgalactiae subsp. dysgalactiae as contributing to poor lamb health and welfare, with prevalence rates of up to 50% and subsequent mortality rates of up to 20% in the worst affected flocks. Furthermore, it says that bacteraemia has also been observed after routine management procedures such as tagging creating an entry point for infection.
It highlights that prophylactic antibiotic occured on up to 19% of farms in the UK, a practice which is not permitted under the new Veterinary Medicines Regulations.
Properties and availability
NoBACZ is a wound care company specialising in sustainable and rapid-setting flexible barrier dressings. The company explains that the product utilises patented skin seal technology which sets rapidly on contact with navels. It consists of feed-grade materials and is a combination of a natural polymer combined with metal ions in a surgical spirit base, which develops a waterproof barrier at the navel.
The company recommends navel dipping over spraying as best practice to ensure maximum protection. It says that the navel will be dry in as little as two hours, adding that the dip contains a bitter agent to deter ewes and cows from licking it.
The price is being listed in the UK as varying from 16p to 31p per lamb (19c to 37c). The product is being distributed in Ireland by Phravet and Interchem and an online search shows that 500ml is retailing in the region of €48 to €50 per 500ml, which translates to a cost of 48c to 50c per lamb.