Since the opening of the online application process, 9,014 applications across all tranches of the TAMS II suite of six measures have been received by the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine.
To date, 4,455 approvals have issued, with approvals being processed on a tranche by tranche basis.
The Department lists common errors (see left) at the application stage that can delay approvals.
Further details are set out in the appropriate terms and conditions, available online.
1. Full planning not granted at time of application.2. List of conditions attached to planning not provided.3. Maps must be A3 size or smaller. Larger maps are not acceptable. 4. Drawings not stamped by the local authority. 5. Incorrect Young Farmer Declaration provided – must be correct declaration form for YFCIS for TAMS II.6. Company documents/memorandum not signed by directors.7. Education certificates not provided – particularly where a non-agricultural award is required in conjunction with an agricultural award to establish eligibility.8. Field plans for sheep fencing - metres and no of gates not shown on maps.9. Metres and no. of gates on maps not agreeing with figures in proposed investments.10. Slurry tank dimensions must show unit cost in proposed investments (not total cost in this field).11. Slurry tank dimensions must agree with figures on tank spreadsheet.12. Slurry tank agitation points (internal or external) not shown on drawings.13. The dimensions of the various areas and structures not clearly show on the drawings for buildings.14. Not using the correct reference points for building dimensions (using external dimension instead of internal dimension) – see explanatory notes on costings for TAMS II on the Department’s website.15. Discrepancy between the dimensions on the application compared to drawings.Payments
The TAMS II online payment claims system has been available for the submission of payment claims since July 2016. To date, 325 TAMS II payment claims have been received and payments have issued in 59 cases.
The payment claims submitted are being processed, however a large number of them have minor issues that need to be resolved before payment can be made. Department officials are in direct contact with individual farmers to progress claims towards early payment.
The Department also lists issues found by staff processing payments at payment stage.
1. Receipts not in the name of the applicant (as per approval letter).2. Receipts not marked paid, signed or dated.3. Person signing installation cert not certified as trained.4. Electrical/supplementary certificate (one or both missing).5. Folio does not show applicant as owner.6. Incorrect ownership documents. Folio documents and no map. Also maps not showing folio numbers.7. Leases not signed and witnessed. Maps not submitted with leases. Stamp duty certificate not submitted.8. Incorrect amount claimed (VAT not excluded).9. Farm safety training not specifying date of training. Confirmation of attendance must be signed by course provider/education officer.10. Poor quality scanning of documentation.11. Breakdown between goods and services (labour) not provided with all frequently claimed as goods.The Department has urged all farmers who have completed their approved TAMS II investments to submit their claim for payments.
The Department has indicated that payment claims submitted in line with all the requirements of the Scheme terms and conditions, including those related to tax clearance and the completion, where required, of a farm safety course will be processed for payment as soon as possible.
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Special focus: planning for TAMS II and FBIS grants