There will be an exhibit of over 30 pedigree Salers animals on the day, with cows, senior heifers, junior heifers, bull calves and heifer calves all on display and competing in their respective show classes.
Once again, Tullamore Show plays host to the all-Ireland Salers calf finals where classes for senior bull, senior heifer, junior bull and junior heifer calves will be taking place.
Declan Bell, PRO with the Salers Cattle Society of Ireland, said: “It is wonderful to see such a large entry of animals for Tullamore Show this year, especially after an absence of two years. This stiff competition, together with the long wait of two years, will make winning the coveted Tullamore winner’s medal all the more desirable.’’
Bell said that the society was delighted to have four first-time exhibitors on the show circuit this year proudly displaying and competing with their Salers cattle. To mark this a class for first-time exhibitors has been added.
He said the Salers Cattle Society of Ireland is very grateful to exhibitors old and new who put in the time and energy to exhibit their cattle and promote the breed and has extended an invite for all cattle breeders to meet them at the society’s stand in the livestock section.