Achill Island Sea Salt has been awarded the prestigious Protected Designation of Origin (PDO) recognition.
But what exactly is PDO? In the same way that champagne can only be called champagne, if it is produced, processed and prepared in that exact geographical area in France, the PDO status celebrates the food and drinks of a specific area.
It is a long process to gain this prestigious label and a journey that the O’Malley family have followed to gain recognition for their hand-harvested sea salt, sourced from the waters of Achill Island. The status means consumers have confidence knowing they are consuming the genuine Achill Island product.
Meabh O’ Malley from the Achill Sea Salt company says, “It’s been a long process and we wish to thank the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine for their assistance throughout.”
Available at and in most artisan stores in Ireland.
From 'Mart and Market' and live streaming livestock marts to a gingerbread farm