Fruit, vegetables & herbs
Vegetable sowing can continue after the delayed spring, especially of maincrop vegetables such as carrots, broccoli and peas.
Sow autumn and winter cabbage and cauliflower seeds soon. Sweetcorn and courgettes can still be sown in the greenhouse for planting out later. Thin out seedlings that need it. Remove weeds.
Watch for slug and snail damage during these weeks. Many plants are attacked early and the damage can be done before leaves open.
Bedding plants should be regularly watered and given liquid feed to grow well. Space the plants to give them room to grow. Plant gladiolus and dahlias outdoors.
Trees, shrubs & roses
All recently planted trees and shrubs need to be checked for watering and to make sure they are not rocking in the ground.
Rose bushes are making very vigorous growth and should be sprayed to control blackspot disease, if they are susceptible. The damage caused by this disease is greater in wet weather.
Some good, warm spells have seen lawns finally growing well.
Most lawns are a good green, but those that are pale should be fed now with lawn fertiliser, or high-nitrogen fertiliser, just enough to green the grass, not so much as to cause vigorous growth and extra work mowing. Lawn weedkillers can be used now.
Greenhouse & house plants
Greenhouse plants should be fed now and watered well to get the best benefit of the season with a good start.
Houseplants can be re-potted now, if they are pot-bound and inclined to topple over. Overgrown house plants can be cut back now and well watered and fed until they show signs of new growth.