Increasing our bodies’ strength and immunity is more important now than ever. By taking control of the breath you can feel as though you are taking back control of your situation, as well as strengthening the lungs.
Bringing attention to the breath, can change your focus away from the outside world and back into the present moment.
By giving the mind something else to focus on, you can create space in your thoughts and quieten the bombarding information that is fighting for your attention. Accessing this quiet self brings things into perspective.
By strengthening the lungs and increasing our lung capacity we are better equipped to deal with threats.
Savasana (grounding practice)Starting point of every practice. Come to lying, keep spine and back of neck long.Turn palms of hands and arms up toward the ceiling allowing shoulders release down towards the floor. Allow the body to soften letting the floor support you.As you breathe in, scan the body, if you notice any tension or tightness, on next out breath tell that part of your body to relax and let go.Bend up knees keeping feet in contact with floor.Lift pelvis up sending the tailbone forward and lower again to lengthen out spine.Bring feet and legs together.
Keeping one ankle stacked on top of the other slowly lower the legs left.
Pay attention to any discomfort in the back.Gently roll the head to look over your right shoulder.Keep shoulders soft, releasing down towards the floor at all times.Breathe into the rib cage.Fairly quickly bring the legs back to centre so as not to pull on the back.
Make sure spine is in straight line.Keeping ankles stacked (the left foot lifts from the floor) slowly lower legs right.
Keep shoulders soft and down towards the floor.As the spine moves into a spinal twist it gently massages the internal organs as well as releasing any tension held in the spine.Breathe into the rib cage to help strengthen the lungs. 
As with any exercises, use common sense and pay attention to your body. Irish Country Living or Sarah Lennon will not be responsible or liable for any injury or harm you sustain as a result of our yoga program. Thanks for your understanding.
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