Farmec has been distributing Bargam sprayers to the Irish market since 1992, with thousands of sprayers now operating in Ireland. Farmec will have a Bargam 1600 Mec Poli BDX linkage mounted sprayer fitted with a 12m BDX boom at the event alongside the Sulky range of fertiliser spreaders.
Bargam is based in Italy and has over 30 years manufacturing experience specialising in a full range of tractor-mounted, trailed, self-propelled and amenity sprayers.
The Bargam 1600 Mec Poli BDX sprayer is suited to both contractors and farmers. The sprayer benefits from a galvanised boom and chassis frame, strengthening the life of the machine. The sprayer also comes fitted with a very well-balanced X-fold boom which is fully hydraulic. This makes it possible to fold up either side independently to clear obstacles.
Benefitting from fully electric controls, there is also an optional extra of application rate controllers and GPS section control. This sprayer also comes equipped with a large-capacity pump allowing great agitation even at high application rates.
The air bubble jets on the Mec Poli BDX 1600 model are from Billericay Farm Services (BFS). These nozzles provide the operator with the ability to control off-target drift spray.
The Farmec stand will also see Sulky spreaders from the DX40 and DX30 Plus range.