McConnel has expanded its range of rollers with its merger with Twose of Tiverton. The company says the robust range of rollers is among the heaviest in the industry, delivering even ground pressure. According to product specialist John Mulhall the rollers feature a castellated ring profile that ensures constant soil pressure for greater moisture retention and a weather-proof finish.
The roller has triple sealed bearings, and 65mm steel shafts, while the heavy duty frame design allows for contour following when the hydraulic system is in the float position. Four different roller configurations are available, with a choice of 22in and 24in Cambridge rings and 22in and 24in Cambridge rings with Cambridge breakers available.
Each section of the roller centre-pivots independently for undulating ground conditions, improving soil to seed contact on rolled ground. The rollers come with a range of options, including spring-mounted levelling boards to break down clods and plough ridges. Two rows of 8mm spring tines are available. McConnel claims that for stubble cultivation the tines help distribute straw and surface residue, disturbing slug eggs and encouraging a flush of volunteers to germinate.
New PA7775T
McConnel will team up with Kverneland Ireland to showcase a pre-production preview of its new PA7775T Power Arm. Featuring 7.7m reach, a telescopic arm with a 1.35m extension, and 75hp high-performance hydraulics, the machine is the first incarnation of a new series aimed at large-scale farmers and professional contractors. The new machine features a host of advanced features including a choice of advanced control systems.
The new series will be officially launched and available to customers in early 2017, according to McConnel.