Hanskamp are Dutch specialists in feed solutions and feed management systems. It showcased the LAMMA bronze award-winning automatic out of parlour mobile cattle feeder. The solution makes it possible for cattle to get an individual and automatic distribution of concentrates while grazing.
A 2,230l hopper dispenses meal to up to four animals at a time. Working via EID ear tag or neck transponders, the feed system recognises each individual cow upon entry, where it will be fed in accordance to the amount set by the farmer or refused feed once the daily allowance has been met.
The Spider feed computer allows the farmer to monitor and adjust feeding rates remotely, as well as view the level of feed remaining in the hopper. The 4G linked system can be paired with a feed management package, in accordance to yield.
Similar to the many calf feeders on the market, farmers will be alerted of animals that have not eaten. Alternatively, the feed station can be plugged into mains electricity and used inside a shed. Pricing for the unit starts at €27,000 plus VAT.