The weekly cattle kill in NI reached an 11-month high in mid-October as processing demand continues to build across the UK.
For the week ending 19 October, local plants processed 11,773 cattle, making it the highest weekly kill since 11 November 2023 and the fourth highest on record for NI.
Cattle throughput at local plants has been building since early autumn and with plants now operating a six-day kill schedule to facilitate Christmas orders, the short-term outlook for beef is positive.
Over the first three weeks of October, local plants processed 34,767 cattle, up from 31,432 for the same period last year.
With weekly throughput currently running well over 11,000 head, the October kill is set to surpass September throughput of 42,521.
The high numbers being slaughtered this autumn is leading some cattle agents to be fearful about supplies in early 2025, as the current level of demand is pulling animals forward in terms of slaughter date.
Base quotes for prime cattle remain on 482p/kg for U-3 grading animals but deals are generally in the region of 500p/kg for in-spec steers and heifers.
Quotes for fat lambs have increased by 5p to 620p/kg but with numbers showing signs of slowing, 625p to 630p/kg is reportedly on offer to keep pace with the mart trade.