Processors are working on a shorter kill week due to the bank holiday and they have used it to their advantage.
With factories requiring fewer cattle, they were quick off the mark to pull cattle quotes by 2p to 4p/kg.
Some buying agents indicate they have already managed to secure sufficient numbers for Thursday and Friday from regular sellers, but at prices above the official quotes.
Factory quotes for U-3 grade cattle are 360p/kg, with 362p/kg available on good-quality in-spec steers and heifers.
Farmers who are selling smaller numbers are finding it difficult to negotiate above base price this week.
Reports indicate that 2p/kg to 4p/kg is the best deal on offer. Some farmers are looking to hold off until next week in an effort to secure higher prices as finished cattle supplies are still relatively scarce.
Most cattle agents indicate that the bulk of their cattle supply is coming from larger finishers and they are doing deals well ahead of quoted prices to keep numbers coming forward.
Despite processors cutting quotes by 2p/kg last week, there was little change in the actual prices paid for cattle. The average price paid for U3 steers was steady at 374.6p/kg, with U3 heifers averaging 374.5p/kg. Young bulls averaged 361.6p/kg.
The number of Irish cattle imported for slaughter last week increased by 30 head to 166 animals. Movement of slaughter cattle in the opposite direction also increased to 176 head, with 42 cattle exported to Britain for slaughter, little change on the previous two weeks.
The cow trade remains robust even though there is a good flow of finished animals coming on to the market at present. Quotes range from 265p to 275p/kg for O+3 animals, with R grade cows on 280p/kg.
Lamb trade
Quotes at the plants are unchanged this week with 430p/kg on offer up to 21kg deadweight. The marts are closed this week for the holidays. However, there was an improved trade in the marts last weekend.
Last Friday in Newtownstewart, 267 lambs sold from 400p to 419p/kg, up by 20p/kg on the previous week, an increase of from £4 to £4.50 per lamb. In Swatragh on Saturday, a big show of 700 lambs sold from 403p to 489p/kg, up by 13p/kg for the main weight ranges although lighter lambs were up by more.
The trade in fat ewes was also very good. Ewes sold to a top of £105 per head in Newtownstewart and to £93 in Swatragh.
The marts will resume business again on Monday, 17 July.