Clean cattle quotes are steady this week and best quotes are 364p for U-3 steers and 366p for heifers.
While prices being paid continue to run well ahead of quotes, factory agents are keen to keep the trade in-check and limit any further price increases. A significant number of cattle are being sold at 366p and only larger suppliers with in-spec cattle are able to do deals into the 370s.
Despite that, the prices paid for cattle last week continued to edge up, with steers and heifers averaging 360.4p/kg, up nearly 2p on the previous week. U3 steers averaged 371.3p/kg, with heifers at 373.3p/kg. The trade in NI continues to be on a par with Britain and significantly ahead on some of the lower conformation grades.
Last week’s kill continued the recent trend when weekly slaughtering has been running around 1,000 cattle ahead of the same weeks in 2016. In total, 8,482 cattle were slaughtered, compared with 7,510 in the equivalent week in 2016. With numbers relatively strong, it highlights just how robust beef sales have been that current prices are 40p/kg ahead of the price in June 2016. According to factory agents, numbers meet their needs this week, with housed cattle still coming forward, along with some grass-fed animals.
Last week’s kill was boosted by 234 head coming in from the south for slaughter, along with 141 head (mostly cows) coming from Britain. A total of 175 cattle went south from NI for slaughter, with none crossing the Irish Sea.
Cow trade
Strength in the cow trade is being maintained and one plant has increased quotes by 5p/kg.
The best quote for an O+3 grade cow is at 280p/kg, with others quoting 275p.
The best quote for an R grade is up to 290p/kg, with others on 285p/kg. However, the prices paid for R3s and R4s averaged slightly over 300p/kg last week.
Lamb trade
The market for spring lamb has rebounded upwards this week, with the strength of the Euro boosting the bidding by southern buyers in the marts and no massive numbers of lambs coming out at the start of the week. The plants have responded by increasing quotes by 20p and 25p and 490p and 485p/kg is on offer.
At Kilrea, 380 lambs sold from 470p to 512p, up by 40p to 60p/kg on last week.
Massereene sold 629 lambs from 470p to 511p, up 50p/kg.
Saintfield sold 486 lambs at 465p to 500p, up by 40p on last week.
In Rathfriland, a show of 845 lambs made from 440p to 495p/kg and averaged 461p, which was up by 28p on last week. Southern buyers were very active and paid from £104.50 to £110 for the top 10 pens. Lambs at 21kg made from £98 to 102/head.
Trade in fat ewes is still strong and top prices were up in the marts. They sold to a top of £90 in Newtownstewart for 82 head sold; to £94 in Swatragh for 200 head; to £123 in Omagh; to £80 in Kilrea; and to £131 in Massereene. In Saintfield, 76 ewes sold to a top of £90. Rathfriland had a big show of 203 ewes selling to £98.