Base quotes for hoggets from NI factories have eased back this week to range from 670p to 690p/kg.

Whilst regular suppliers have scope to secure deals at higher prices, the trade has cooled across the board with prices falling back in the live ring too.

Factories are complaining about overweight hoggets being presented for slaughter and suggest that carcase weights over 25kg are becoming more common.

Plants are only paying to the 23kg weight limit, and one factory has suggested applying a 50p/kg cut to carcases over 25kg to make suppliers market hoggets earlier.

The overweight carcase issue is mainly a result of farmers holding back from selling hoggets in the hope that prices follow a similar trend to last spring.

This time last year, hoggets prices were typically rising by 20p to 25p/kg each week and were sitting at 650p/kg by mid-March.

Whilst current prices are still ahead of last year, the trade has not followed the seasonal spring rise which many farmers were hoping for.

On top of that, the Islamic festival of Ramadan, which started on 28 February, has not helped deliver a boost to hogget prices either.