The Carrick Winter Fair is upon us and it feels like no length ago since we witnessed the madness of the 2022 Winter Fair. This year’s event is just around the corner, and with that in mind, here are some of the final preparations you can make ahead of this year’s event.


There is no doubt that travelling can cause some stress to an animal, especially on long journeys. If your animal hasn’t been out on the show scene this year, or hasn’t been out for a while, it might be an idea to take them for a quick spin in the trailer just to get them used to it again.


Washing your animal on the morning of a show is necessary but with cattle in sheds and dirt building, it might be an idea to get scrubbing.

We suggest washing this evening or tomorrow if you can, and wash the night before to get the heavy dirt off. It will make things very easy on show day!


Clipping is important to help highlight an animal’s strong points and possibly to hide areas where they are lacking and it is also used to give a tidy look, in general.

If you are used to clipping, you have probably made a start over the past couple of weeks.

If you aren’t used to clipping or haven’t clipped before, don’t be afraid to ask for help. The majority are happy to help.

The handler

If you are going to make all this effort with an animal, why not do the same with yourself?

A clean shirt, a tie, a white coat (clean, where possible), clean boots and jeans will surely help you on your way to showing a winner.

The show box

So, it’s show day and you don’t want to be left stranded with no supplies. If you don’t have your supplies in hand, it may not be too late to order or check with your supplier .They might be on site selling soaps, combs and halters on the day.

The essentials

Here are just a few things you might want to pack before you head up or down the road to this year’s Winter Fair.

  • Your animal!
  • Blue cards.
  • Movement certs.
  • Register on traceability (Department of Agriculture/DAERA) if you plan on selling.
  • Halters (don’t forget a spare!).
  • Lead ropes.
  • Snaffles.
  • Shampoo.
  • Blow drier.
  • Clippers.
  • Soaps/adhesives.
  • Hair spray (for the perfect tail!).
  • White coat.
  • Show stick.
  • Feed for the cattle.