On Friday night Ryan Tubridy will be taking on Ireland rugby star Sean O’Brien in a plough-off on the RTÉ grounds.
The Dealer has heard that Tubs and O’Brien are going to plough side-by-side on RTÉ land and two NPA judges will decide who did the best job.
Presenting the award to the winner will be none other than Anna May McHugh.
O’Brien, AKA the Tullow Tank, is a suckler farmer from Carlow. How good either he or Tubridy are with a plough remains to be seen.
I must say, the Dealer is loving the new agricultural twist to the Late Late Show.
Last week, Tubs spoke with Seamus Brown, a Donegal sheep farmer who invested in a beautiful lamb ram that set him back €15,000.
What could be next week? Dare I say Larry Goodman doing the tango?