Three dead calves were pictured floating in a tidal bog in Dunworley, Co Cork, on Saturday. The Irish Farmers Journal understands that the local county council and Department of Agriculture will visit the site to investigate this Tuesday.
The animals are presumed to be Hereford cross.
“There’s no tags. It’s hard to see if there were tags on that were torn off. I would say they are two weeks to a month old,” said Mike O’Brien, one of the people who spotted them. “It’s a popular area for walking and is right next to the Wild Atlantic Way. No matter where it is, it’s disgraceful, but that just makes it worse.
“This happened 10 to 15 years ago as well. We contacted the Department and they came out at the time. They found calves and skeletons,” said Mike, adding that he was not aware of any prosecutions the last time dead animals were found in the area.