The number of farmers availing of the Farm Assist scheme remains stable according to new figures obtained by the Irish Farmers Journal.
There are a total of 8,823 recipients of the weekly social welfare payment. Those 8,823 farmers receive a weekly payment and there is a total budget of €88.7m for the scheme.
From highs of 14,000 in 2006, there are now in the region of 9,000 farmers availing of the weekly social welfare payment. However, the numbers have stabilised in the past 12 months.
As outlined on the map, the counties with the highest number of Farm Assist are Mayo with 1,477, Donegal 1,371 and Galway with 859 recipients.
According to the Department of Social Protection, “Farm Assist is a means-tested income support scheme for farmers.
To qualify for Farm Assist, a person must be a farmer, farming land in the State, aged between 18 and 66 and satisfy a means test.”
It was revealed in this year’s budget that the Christmas bonus for weekly social welfare schemes will increase from 25% to 75% in the weekly rates; this includes Farm Assist.
The Christmas bonus was reintroduced in time for Christmas 2014 after five years. It was removed from the Social Protection budget at a much more precarious time for the country’s finances.