As Irish milk processors set July milk prices, Dutch milk processor Friesland Campina has increased its August base milk price by 1.0c/litre to 34c/litre. The price hike comes as other dairy companies in mainland Europe also lift milk prices post-COVID 19 reductions. The Dutch company's announcement this week also comes as Irish co-op directors have met to hold or increase July milk prices for Irish suppliers. So far, we know West Cork Co-ops and Glanbia have held June price, while Lakeland lifted price 1.0c/litre.
International prices
In Table 1, we show June milk prices for some of the main players internationally compared to three of the larger Irish milk processors, all at the same milk solids. The Irish trio average just shy of 31c/litre for June. The French processors Lactalis and Danone are paying almost 3c/litre ahead of this, while the Dutch giant FrieslandCampina paid 31.6c/litre.
The Fonterra price has little relevance at this time of the year - supplies are tiny from New Zealand, as most cows are dry or only starting to produce in Te Ika-a-Maui (North Island).
Source: ZuivelNL