The genie is out of the bottle – ICSA
“The clock is ticking. I have land that I would like to transfer over to my son but I won’t go ahead until we are sure we will qualify for the scheme.”
The ICSA president said the industry needs new blood, with young farmers bringing new strength and ideas. “A succession package is an excellent idea. I’m slowing down now with age and would like to pass the tradition on to the next generation.”
Young people will bring a greater farm income – IFA
The IFA has said in order for a scheme of this nature to function, a number of proposals must be met. McDonagh explained: “Young Trained Farmer Stamp Duty Relief should be fully removed from State aid or the ceiling be increased, to allow for greater land mobility, encourage land transfer and develop economically viable farm units.”
Age profile of farming needs to be improved – ICMSA
The ICMSA claims the suggestion that the payment will only be payable from the normal retirement age in a particular member state would be a step backwards and should be available once a farmer reaches 60 years of age.
“With the average age of farmer in Ireland at 58, it is quite clear that the age profile of farming needs to be improved to ensure its long-term sustainability and as part of CAP post-2020,” Drennan concluded.
Farm retirement schemes: what do European countries do?