Going green for St Patrick's Day
Bet ewe are green with envy - sheep farmer Brendan O'Connor from Alohart, MacGillycuddy's Reeks, Co Kerry, with his nieces, Leah and Ava Casey, getting into the spirit of St Patrick's Day this year. Brendan is famous for spraying his stock in their native green and gold when Kerry are playing in the All-Ireland Football finals. He uses natural, safe dye, which washes off in a few days. \ Valerie O'Sullivan
Bringing in the cows
Tony Flynn, Doneraile, bringing in the cows for Tim Kent at Ballyarthur, Mitchelstown, Co Cork. Tim has less than 15% left to calve out of his 235-cow herd that is out grazing only by day at the moment due to challenging conditions on his heavy farm. \ Donal O' Leary
Tim Kent rounding up the cows for milking on his farm at Ballyarthur, Mitchelstown, Co Cork. \ Donal O' Leary
Tony Flynn milking the cows for Tim Kent. \ Donal O'Leary
Strip grazing in Kildare
Beef and tillage farmer Christopher McCormack moves the line on a crop of rape that he has been strip grazing a group of bulls on over winter at Dalkinstown, Whitehall, Co Kildare. Christopher buys the bulls in as yearlings and finishes them under 24 months. They will be put back out to grass next week weather-permitting and this field will be sown with spring barley. \ Philip Doyle
Zero grazing in Offaly
Billy Delahunt picking grass at Riverstown, Birr, Co Offaly, for feeding to the dairy herd. Billy's cows are out during the day and the grass is fed in the shed after evening milking. \ Odhran Ducie
Rising stars of 2022 in Co Tyrone
Llyr Hughes from Wales making a start on judging at the 'Rising Stars 2022' event, held by the NI Limousin Cattle Club and NI Young Limousin breeders, at Dungannon Mart, Co Tyrone, at the weekend. \ Houston Green
A delighted Mia Ferguson (11) from Cookstown picked up first place from Welsh judge Llyr Hughes from Wales with her first entry in the junior male section at the 'Rising Stars' 2022 event, held by the NI Limousin Cattle Club and NI Young Limousin breeders, Dungannon. \ Houston Green
Glen Knocker from Kilkeel, Co Down, with his entry which went on to win class 6 junior males at the 'Rising Stars 2022' event. \ Houston Green
Teresa McKearney from Middletown, Co Armagh, with her entry at the 'Rising Stars 2022' event. \ Houston Green
Watch: this week in photos - calving, snow, sheep and storms
This week in photos: quintuplet lambs and 1,000 birds produced a week