Farmers can apply to register a farm partnership at any stage of the year, but if an applicant wishes to have their registered farm partnership (RFP) number received in time for the Basic Payment Scheme (BPS) deadline, then RFP applications must be submitted by Friday 11 February 2022.
Applications and all required supporting documentation must be submitted by email to
Along with a completed application form, the Department of Agriculture lists the following documents as being necessary:
Farmer requirements
The Department advises that “where a partnership operates under a single herd number, all partners must have their names added on to that herd number. These changes can be made at the local district veterinary office (DVO).
"In the case of partnerships with more than one herd number, these herd numbers are to stay in the name of the individual owner. The numbers will be linked on our system once the application has been processed.”
The Department added that where a partner in the partnership wishes to avail of the Young Farmers' Scheme, then they must be named on one of the partnership herd numbers via their local DVO.
RFP benefits
The Department defines a farm partnership as “where two or more farmers make an agreement to share resources so they can enjoy benefits such as economies of scale and improved work-life balance. Farmers can avail of a number of financial supports aimed at encouraging and maintaining the development of farm partnerships.”
One such benefit highlighted is preferential stock relief.
Collaborative Farming Grant Scheme
Applicants signing up to an RFP can also avail of the Collaborative Farming Grant Scheme. This provides financial support to encourage farmers to form partnerships which improve scale and efficiency in farming.
The grant provides financial support to cover part of the legal, advisory and financial services costs of setting up a partnership agreement. The payment will be calculated at 50% of the vouched costs (excluding VAT) up to a maximum payment of €2,500.