Approximately 9,000 participants in the Agri-Climate Rural Environment Scheme can now start to make plans to complete mandatory training by the end of 2024.

This follows last week’s announcement by Minister for Agriculture Charlie McConalogue that the ACRES Training Scheme (ATS) portal is now open for the provision of training courses.

Completion of ACRES training is required for sanctioning of the scheme payment in year one. Participants who satisfactorily attend an approved ACRES training course will also receive a €156 payment.

This sum is paid by the Department of Agriculture to the approved ACRES trainer, who in turn pays each farmer who attends. The ACRES trainer receives a €90 payment for each farmer who attends the course.

Approved trainers

A list of 536 approved ACRES trainers and their details are on the Department of Agriculture website.

“The purpose of the ACRES training course is to provide information to farmers about the implementation of ACRES actions and to show how their participation in the Scheme is helping to address environmental, climate and biodiversity challenges. Feedback from farmers shows that they have found the courses informative and useful,” Minister McConalogue said.

He added that ACRES trainers last year succeeded in providing training to practically all farmers who entered tranche one, with only a small number of applicants to complete training in 2024.

“This is a significant accomplishment and I want to acknowledge their commitment to the scheme.”