The Department of Agriculture has published answers to frequently asked questions about the Fodder Transport Support Measure announced last Friday.
One question from farmers was whether the transport of bulk silage could be subsidised under the scheme. The Department's answer is no: "Pit silage is not covered by the measure which is restricted to bales of hay, silage, haylage and straw for feeding."
The Department has also set a start date for the scheme of Monday 29 January. Any fodder transported before that date is ineligible for assistance.
The details of the assessment to be carried out by an approved farm advisor have been clarified. An example assessment form published by the Department consists of a standard fodder budget including; the head count of livestock on the farm, the number of months they have been housed and the quantity of pit and baled silage or hay available before Monday.
Based on this budget, the advisor must sign the following declaration: "I confirm that this holding has a significant forage deficit."
Two other documents are required to be accepted into the scheme:
Co-ops in the west and northwest are expected to facilitate the scheme, whether they process milk or operate marts. There is no official list of participating co-ops.
The Department has said that "payments can only issue once a valid application has been received and all the necessary checks have been carried out".
The only upper limit is the EU State aid ceiling of €15,000 per farm for the 2016-2018 fiscal years, in combination with other Government-funded supports such as last year's low-cost loan scheme.