The latest Department of Agriculture schemes payment update released on Friday 26 January shows €3.4m paid under the Basic Income Support for Sustainability (BISS) and Complementary Redistributive Income Support for Sustainability (CRISS) in the last week.
The payments were made to 309 farmers, bringing total payments to €805.65m paid to 118,314 farmers.
There was also €0.44m paid under the Eco Scheme and €0.53m paid to over 150 farmers under the Areas of Natural Constraint (ANC).
The total number of farmers paid under the ANC is 98,642, with the payment total recorded at €247m.
There was also €0.35m paid to over 30 farmers participating in the Organic Farming Scheme, bringing the total number paid to 3,673 out of approximately 4,000 participants.
Tillage payments
Tillage payments amounting to €1.36m were approved under the Straw Incorporation Measure. The 271 additional farmers to receive payment brings total payments to €14.49m paid to 3,121 farmers.
A lower figure of €0.28m was paid to 42 farmers under the Protein Aid Scheme, with payments now standing at €9.77m paid to 1,512 farmers.