Payments paused ahead of advance payments
The latest Department of Agriculture scheme payments update for the week ending 15 November 2024, shows zero funds paid under the Basic income Support for Sustainability (BISS), the Complementary Redistributive Income Support for Sustainability (CRISS) and the Areas of Natural Constraint (ANC) in the last week. The pause in payments is due to the payments system gearing up for advance payments under these schemes to commence in the first week of December.
Payments under BISS and CRISS currently stand at €535m paid to 114,699 farmers, while payments under the ANC stand at €203.69m paid to 95,844 farmers. There was €2.66m more paid under the Eco Scheme last week, bringing payments to €204m paid to 113,625 participants.
Meanwhile, weekly payments are ongoing under the Targeted Agricultural Modernisation Scheme (TAMS), with €1.33m paid under TAMS III and €153m paid under TAMS I. There was also €0.076m paid under the Green Low-Carbon Agri-Environmental Scheme (GLAS).
A number of payments will commence in the coming weeks under sheep, beef, tillage and dairy schemes, while payments under the Agri-Climate Rural Environment Scheme are also due to take place.
SCEP genotype samples
Any outstanding genotype samples under the Suckler Carbon Efficiency Programme (SCEP) must be submitted by 30 November 2024. Where less than 90% of the required number of genotype samples are returned in a scheme year there will be no payment on that action (ie worth 20% of overall payment), plus a 10% penalty will be imposed. This penalty is calculated on the value of the action. Where farmers require replacement samples they must call ICBF on 023-883-2883. It is also important that farmers complete any outstanding record-keeping/survey information. This can be completed through the ICBF portal, or by requesting hardcopy forms to complete.
SWS deadlines
The deadline to complete the sheep dipping action in the National Sheep Welfare Scheme for farmers who are availing of the extension is 25 November 2025. Farmers should record details of dipping in their scheme action booklet.
Payment for farmers who availed of the extension may be pushed out to January. The Department is also encouraging farmers who received requests for action books or any relating scheme correspondence, to return it so that the processing of applications can be progressed with.