Pre-emergence herbicide for wheat and barley is the main spraying job. Herbicides should involve a programme for the main grass weeds being targeted.
For recently sown crops this may begin with pendimethalin (PDM) or flufenacet targeting serious grasses or a diflufenican (DFF) plus Defy mix pre- or very early post-emerge to target fields that do not have serious grass challenges.
Check rape crops for signs of downy mildew, phoma or light leafspot. The latter two imply the need for fungicides like Folicur or Proline while downy mildew might be best targeted by the application of growth stimulants.
Rape fields that are bad with problem weeds like charlock, chickweed, shepherds purse, hedge mustard or poppy might be targeted now with Salsa (25g/ha), plus at least double rate of a vegetable oil source to enhance activity.
Weeds need to be small and growing actively.