Planting of spring crops has been happening in great conditions across the country this week and last. The majority of spring oats and wheat crops are in, apart from some wetter sites, while most spring beans are also in the ground. One industry representative said the beans area “might scrape 12,000ha”.
This is down from approximately 17,600ha in 2024. Both beans and oats seed is reported to be sold out in many areas.
Spring barley is now the main item on the agenda. Malting growers, while facing a turbulent market, are keen to get crops in early to give them every chance of passing protein specifications.
Meanwhile, some farmers are allowing wetter ground to dry out and others look to be in no hurry to plant crops with the cold weather. The spring barley area is set to decline this year, mainly due to the increase in winter cereal area.
Planting progress varies hugely across the country. Areas like Laois and south Tipperary are expected to be 90% planted by the weekend, while parts of mid Cork were at 5% planted earlier this week.
Other parts of the county were reported to be 40% planted.
In Wexford, cultivations were in full swing this week, but only 30% of barley was reported to be in the ground on Wednesday.
In the northeast, as of Wednesday, beans were finishing up and spring barley plantings were at about 30% complete.
Counties like Carlow are looking ahead to maize and beet crops, and reports suggest maize area will decline by about 10%, while beet will remain steady.