A number of farmers in the UK have been reporting issues with sprayers in recent days.
Farmers have been reportedly replacing the diaphragm in the sprayer pump and some are connecting these problems with a chemical active used in the spray mixes, the Inatreq active.
Corteva Agriscience, which is responsible for that particular active ingredient, has said that investigations are being carried out into these complaints.
In a statement to the Irish Farmers Journal, the company explained: “Corteva Agriscience UK is investigating reported complaints on some sprayer components when the tank mix being applied includes products containing Inatreq™ active. It is too early to speculate on the outcome of this investigation.
“It is important to note that the company has not experienced any prior complaints during the previous seasons of use. We are confident in the safety and efficacy of Inatreq™ active containing products when used according to label instructions.”
The statement went on to give advice for those using the product, including using higher water volumes.
“Corteva has issued technical advice that reinforces higher water volumes, especially when tank mixing, and the need to follow best practices for sprayers, such as frequently flushing spray lines with clean water.”