The broken weather over the past few months has not only caused severe disruption to harvest 2020, but is also causing issues for the establishment of catch crops.
Farmers have until 15 September to plant catch crops as part of the Green Low-Carbon Agri-Environment Scheme (GLAS).
However, poor weather has prevented many farmers from clearing fields on time and in many cases, ground conditions have been too poor to travel.
Speaking at the Teagasc National Crops Forum, head of crops knowledge transfer Michael Hennessy believed that a derogation for the catch crop planting date has been requested by the Department of Agriculture. A derogation for this has been sought in the past.
However, he questioned if the derogation would be granted on time.
The Irish Farmers Journal has asked the Department of Agriculture to clarify if they are seeking a derogation for planting date but they have yet to respond.