Thousands of farmers face a huge hit to their direct payments under the next CAP, as the ramifications of further convergence and eco-scheme funding are laid bare.

The Department of Agriculture has calculated how the upcoming reform will change farm payments over the next five years, using examples reflective of typical Irish family farms.

The 55,000 farmers with entitlements above the national average of €260/ha face the biggest hit by far.

Many livestock and tillage farms have entitlements around €400/ha. They will see their entitlements slashed by 42% to €233/ha by 2026.

A battle has also begun on the funding for rural development schemes for farmers

These cuts come on top of losses they already sustained in the last CAP.

The gains for those on smaller entitlements will be non-existent.

The smallest entitlements at present are worth €160/ha and the Department modelling shows they will be no bigger by 2026.

A battle has also begun on the funding for rural development schemes for farmers. The IFA is pursuing the maximum possible co-funding contribution from the Government, while insisting that the €1.5bn promised from carbon tax is kept separate for a “REPS 2” scheme.