The past week has seen a continued strong live trade.
Where special show and sales have taken place, the trade has been said to be lively, and slightly improved. In some cases short-keep and slaughter-fit bullocks and heifers are making similar prices to that which they were making a year ago. The store cattle trade has remained steady, but the numbers on offer have been slightly lower than anticipated, mainly due to poor weather over the past few weeks. Grass buyer activity has slowed slightly as a result.
However, in some cases store purchasers continue to be active. The weanling trade has held firm, with export activity for average-quality weanling bulls starting once again. However, reports suggest only small quantities have been sourced at marts so far. The cull cow trade can only be described as brisk, with agents and finishers paying up to €2.10/kg for fleshed continental cows in most areas. Good-quality feeding cows have been said to be a strong trade also.
Short-keep bullocks remain a very strong trade, with agents bidding strongly for slaughter-fit types. Forward store bullocks have been a strong trade also, with those from 500kg to 600kg selling mainly from €2.10/kg to €2.30/kg for R grades and up to €1,000 over for top-quality U grades. The supply of store cattle is a little less than would be expected due to weather, and demand is firm for good-quality types. However, plainer stores are a slightly slower sell, although prices are firm. The average 450kg bullock is making over €1,000.
The heifer trade has remained steady. The best demand has been for the short-keep R+ and U grades over 550kg. Store heifers continue to be a strong trade also, with the average 500kg heifer making €1,050 to €1,150 and top-quality U grades selling for up to €1,250/head. Numbers of lighter store heifers have dropped, but prices have held. Those from 450kg to 500kg are selling mainly from €990 to €1,100, with better-quality heifers making from €1,150 to €1,250. Angus and Hereford types are selling for €900 to €1,000 for 450kg.
Weanling bulls have seen a slight improvement in prices, but mainly for better-quality types. Special sales are having an impact on average prices. Mart managers have said demand for forward bulls suitable for feeding has improved. The average 450kg bull is making €1,050, with U grades making up to €1,250. Lighter bulls are selling for just €25 to €30 less per head than the same time last year. Average weanling heifer prices are similar to those for the equivalent bull, and, compared with last year, they are back by about €50 to €60/head.
Lively trade for fleshed and short-keep cattle in Athenry
Numbers not dampening calf prices