The official opening of Carrick-on-Suir Men’s Shed took place on Friday 27 April, but it had a gestation period of almost 12 months.
“The idea was first proposed by the late and great Councillor Jimmy Hogan,” says Pat Callanan, the current PRO. “The proposal received great community support and very generous funding from the local Lions Club and the Business Association. Tipperary Education and Training Board (ETB) were extremely supportive in providing us with the exclusive use of a prefabricated classroom in the former Comeragh College at the Green”
The shed was also granted permission to erect a new Steeltech workshop on the site. This very comfortable workshop is now fully equipped with all the tools necessary for the completion of the various projects. The projects undertaken by members include the construction and installation of an “insect motel” on the local library site, construction of buddy benches for a local primary school, bat boxes for a conservation project and bird nesting boxes. The members of the Carrick-on-Suir shed also support the Lions Club with clean-up projects in the area.
“The members recently made illuminated signs for the local Darkness into Light walk,” says Pat. Now that the men’s shed is in full operation, there will be a recruitment drive to attract new members.
“There are very few formalities and new members will experience a warm, friendly and supportive atmosphere. There is great camaraderie and fun between the lads. The interaction does wonders for the mental and physical health of our members”.
The current 20 members are mainly retired men who have a great range of skills and experience. The facilities are open on Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings from 10am to 1pm, with plans to open a full five days as membership increases. Anyone interested in joining should call in to the shed during opening hours or call 087-6878 616.