Firstly a movement with the breath that helps to gently push old air out of the lungs making way for new replenishing breath, as well as freeing up the hip joints.
Next is the low boat pose – a posture to strengthen the tummy muscles and stretch the back, but more importantly helping to release tension in the body caused by worry or stress, allowing you to let go.
• Start in Savasana.
• Bend up knees keeping feet in contact with floor.
• Lift pelvis up sending tailbone forward, gently lower again to lengthen spine.
• Lift feet up off floor, gently rest hands on knees with fingertips pointing toward the toes.
• Release shoulders down towards the floor.
• Keep the tailbone down towards the floor so not to pull on lower back.
• Draw the front of the thighs down toward the tummy.
• Keep the shoulders and arms relaxed just bending at elbows.
• Breathe out.
• Breathe in straightening arms letting the legs move away from the body.
• Keep hands in contact with knees.
• Shoulders relaxed, spine and back muscles relaxed.
• Breathe out lowering front of thighs towards tummy.
• Gentle action of thighs pressing tummy pushes any old air out of the bottom of the lungs.
• Repeat this movement in your own time with your own breath.
• Frees up hip joints when keeping the back muscles relaxed, bringing focus to the breath helps quieten the mind.
• Release feet down to floor.
• Let the breath return to normal.
• Slide feet out in front and completely relax the body, letting every muscle relax and floor support you.
• If the mind wanders bring your attention back to the breath.
• Start in Savasana.
• Bend up knees keeping the feet in contact with the floor.
• Lift pelvis up, send tailbone forward, gently lower pelvis down again to maintain length to the spine.
• Lift feet up off the floor bringing the hands to rest on the knees, fingertips pointing towards the toes.
• Draw thighs downward towards tummy
• Keeping shoulders and arms relaxed just bending at the elbow.
• Engaging the tummy muscles helps bring the legs in closer rather than using arms to pull them in.
• Engaging tummy muscles strongly.
• Lift head neck and shoulders as one unit.
• Keep drawing the thighs down towards the tummy.
• Stretch arms out in front
• Continue to engage the tummy muscles, this will stretch the back.
• Keep shoulders soft
• Slightly lift rib cage and breath.
• Lower one heel down towards the floor but don’t touch it and stretch it out in front, pushing through the heel keeping the leg about 4” from the floor.
• Keep engaging tummy muscles
• Bring leg back to centre drawing the thighs towards the tummy
• Repeat with the other leg.
• If you wish to go further lower the heel of the other foot and stretch the leg out in front both legs together pushing through both heels.
• Keep the tummy muscles engaged, the rib cage slightly lifted.
• If you feel a pull on the lower back, send the tailbone slightly forward to keep length to the spine.
• Don’t forget to breathe – and smile!
• The best part. Slowly release the body down toward floor letting the whole entire body relax.
• If the body wants to take deeper breaths then let it, let the body replenish itself.
• This posture is great for releasing frustration, tension and worry that is held in the body.
As with any exercises, use common sense & pay attention to your body. Irish Country Living or Sarah Lennon will not be responsible or liable for any injury or harm you sustain as a result of our yoga program. Thanks for your understanding.