Owning your own island and having it to yourself might be a dream scenario for some people but the chances of making it happen are rare.

Birr-based Ryan Auctioneers may have an alternative in the form of a circa 143ac Co Offaly residential farm that has a whole townland to itself.

The entire townland of Nadneagh will be up for sale at public auction at the beginning of October. Close to Coolderry, the land is all in one block and is mainly grassland with 19ac of forestry also in the mix.

This south Offaly property has some road frontage and can be accessed off two separate roads.

There is a farmhouse, and although it is not classed as derelict, it hasn’t been lived in in recent years. Close to the house, there is concrete yard which includes a large shed. Water is supplied from a well supply on the land.

Leased out in recent years and farmed to a high standard, half of the land is certified as organic. The current lease still has two years to run.

The farm will be offered in lots or in its entirety.

Lot 1 contains 30ac of roadside lands.

Lot 2 contains 77ac with access off a public road and a lane-way.

Lot 3 contains 110ac including the residence and yard along with 19ac of forestry.

Lot 4 includes 62.5ac including the dwelling and forestry.

Lots 1 to 4 are made up of a number of combinations of fields. Away from the main farm there are two small plots of bog included in Lot 5 while Lot 6 is the entire.

That variety of assets means it’s tricky to pin down an exact guide price. But expect somewhere in the region of €1.2m given its central location within a large agricultural hinterland, the presence of a dwelling and the fact it’s a considerable land block.

The auction takes place at 2pm on Friday, 4 October in Dooly’s Hotel in Birr.