A problem reported in recent weeks is ewes with sore eyes and temporary blindness. The cause is likely to be ocular listeriosis or what is commonly referred to as silage eye due to its common occurrence when sheep are eating silage.
If left untreated, it can lead to long-term blindness
The ailment is generally associated with sheep eating mouldy silage and, in particular, where animals are eating in close contact at a round feeder or burrowing their heads into round bales. It can also spike in cold windy conditions as has been the case in recent weeks.
Animals appear with watery eyes that have a cloudy appearance on closer inspection. Eyes are often swollen or closed.
Veterinary advice is recommended as if left untreated it can lead to long-term blindness.
Veterinary treatment generally includes administering antibiotic and anti-inflammatory injections into the tissue around the eye, or an eye ointment.
Note that anti-inflammatory injections should not be used without veterinary advice as incorrect administration can lead to abortion in pregnant ewes. As with listeriosis, the disease risk can be reduced by avoiding feeding mouldy forage, cleaning feeders regularly and not letting excessive forage build-up and go stale.