Sheep farming

The latest sheep farming news and sheep prices from the Irish Farmers Journal. Keep up to date with all farming and production news developments in the sheep farming sector.

Sheep Management: fertiliser applications and genotyping hill sheep
Sheep Management: fertiliser applications and genotyping hill sheep
There are a number of important fertiliser interactions between spreading fertiliser and lime/slurry that farmers should be mindful of.
Sheep Management: weather woes, lambing and TAMS deadline
Sheep Management: weather woes, lambing and TAMS deadline
There is an improved weather forecast on the horizon but it will take time for conditions to improve following the torrential rainfall experienced over the last week.
Sheep price update: factories trying to reduce hogget prices by 10c/kg
Sheep price update: factories trying to reduce hogget prices by 10c/kg
Agents are also holding firm in quoting a case weight of 23kg, with higher carcase weight limits harder to come by this week.
Sheep Trends: more plants cut to 23kg carcase
Sheep Trends: more plants cut to 23kg carcase
Plants which started the week paying to 23.5kg carcase weight have now moved to 23kg carcase weight.
Companion forages can lift net profit by upwards of €100/ha
Companion forages can lift net profit by upwards of €100/ha
The inclusion of red or white clover in perennial rye grass swards and also chicory can offer an opportunity to improve production efficiency and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
Poor-quality silage: is all-concentrates an option?
Poor-quality silage: is all-concentrates an option?
Ad-lib diets work well for some farmers in reducing labour, but how do they compare to silage-based diets on cost and labour input?
Midlock flock tops the Lanark Blackface in-lamb female sale
Midlock flock tops the Lanark Blackface in-lamb female sale
Rachel Gallagher reports on the recent Blackface female show and sale held in Lawrie and Symington, Auction Market, Lanark.
McHugh set to host inaugural timed auction of in-lamb Cheviot females
McHugh set to host inaugural timed auction of in-lamb Cheviot females
Rachel Gallagher talks with the McHugh family ahead of their upcoming online timed auction of Cheviot females.
Young Stock Podcast: Shaun Diver - the man behind Tullamore Farm
Young Stock Podcast: Shaun Diver - the man behind Tullamore Farm
This week’s Young Stock Podcast features none other than Tullamore Farm manager Shaun Diver, who chats to Martin Merrick about his life before Tullamore and what has changed on the farms since 2018.
Making farming attractive – and sustainable - for future generations
Making farming attractive – and sustainable - for future generations
While the European Commission’s new 2040 vision for Agriculture reads well, failure to implement it may bring worrying consequences on a number of fronts.
Tullamore Farm update: calving coming close to halfway mark
Tullamore Farm update: calving coming close to halfway mark
Shaun Diver gives an update, as 37 cows have now calved, while management of the ewe flock ahead of lambing is also ongoing.
Large number of heifer calves born
Large number of heifer calves born
Adam Woods has the latest update on Tullamore farm and how calving is progressing
Meath’s green fields inspired Mark to pursue career to protect the environmentSPONSORED
Meath’s green fields inspired Mark to pursue career to protect the environment
Former Meath hurler and senior engineer Mark O’Sullivan is part of a team working to bring more renewables on to the electricity grid.
Newborns 'flourishing' thanks to Flourish Calf SPONSORED
Newborns 'flourishing' thanks to Flourish Calf
Tipperary dairy and beef farmer pleased by 'unreal' impact of milk replacer.
‘Innovative’ Flourish Calf earns Cork farmer’s trust SPONSORED
‘Innovative’ Flourish Calf earns Cork farmer’s trust
Flourish Calf, the new product from Volac Milk Replacers Ireland Ltd, has been described by Co Cork farmer Aaron Buckley as the best he has ever used.
Breeding success from within the cow with smaXtecSPONSORED
Breeding success from within the cow with smaXtec
Dairy farmers from across the country explain how SmaXtec has helped them on their farm during breeding season
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