These are covered in this week’s special focus on sheep handling. It is also important to keep track of whether you have enough animals to satisfy your reference number. This is the average of breeding ewe numbers (over 12 months of age) declared in the 2014 and 2015 sheep census returns with the exception of new entrants and force majeure cases.
The reference number needs to be maintained throughout the calendar year. Ewe hoggets born in 2016 will suffice to contribute to calculating the reference number. Where numbers have fallen below the reference number they need to be replaced or, alternatively, farmers can contact the sheep welfare scheme and inform them of the lower reference number. This will be the number used for payment for the 2017 scheme year. This will not affect the number of ewes eligible for payment reverting to the reference number in subsequent years.
Over two million ewes in €10/ewe sheep scheme
Full coverage: Sheep Welfare Scheme