Mart manager Martin Corcoran said that although there was a good entry of stock at last week’s sale, numbers have reduced in recent weeks as they have gone past the seasonal peak at the mart. The mart specialises in the sale of horned ewes and lambs and store lambs. Because of this, it draws sheep from long distances to try to capitalise on having a good supply of buyers present.
Martin said that Suffolk hoggets sold mainly from €125 to €130/head, with top-quality lots making up to €150/head. There was a good selection of horned ewe lambs, which Martin said have been a fairly good trade so far this year. Horned ewe lambs sold mainly from €40 to €50. He said that there was been a little more interest in horned ewe lambs and hoggets this year, with commonage farmers a little more active. However, prices are only slightly ahead of last year. Horned ram lambs sold mainly from €35 to €50/head, while Texel-cross lambs made from €65 to €70. Martin said that demand for lowland store lambs has been very strong this autumn, with 37kg to 38kg lambs making around €80/head earlier in the season, but prices have slipped since then. Commission rates are €1.50 to the buyer and seller for lambs and €5 per head for rams.