Tuesday night’s sheep sale at Donegal Mart saw a small turnout of sheep. The main reason for this is the time of year, with most farmers busy in the fields or lambing, but supplies are also starting to tighten with spring lamb numbers failing to fill the void of hoggets. However, demand was strong for those which were on offer.
Mart manager Eimear McGuinness said that store lambs were met with another strong trade, with prices ranging mainly from €80 up to a top price of €95 for good-quality heavy stores.
There was a good entry of ewes with lambs at foot on offer also. These sold mainly from €150/head for older ewes with single lambs at foot and up to €240/head for top-quality young ewes with doubles and from €90 to €178/head for ewes with singles at foot.
Again, the lower prices were for older ewes with the upper end of prices paid for younger and better-quality ewes.
There was a good entry of fat ewes on offer, with the main demand for good-quality slaughter-fit types running from €92 to €118, while feeding ewes sold from €48 to €76/head.
The numbers of spring lambs on offer was very low, but prices ranged from €106 to €110/head.
Commission rates are €1.30 to the buyer and €2.00 to the buyer.