The trade at Ballymena was strong, with hoggets selling to £200 while ewe lambs sold to £120 and store lambs to £71. Breeding stock sold mainly from £150 to £160, with better-quality types making up to £200. Ewe lambs sold from £120 at the top to £94 at the bottom, with most prices around £100/head. Store lambs sold from £58 to £71, with prices averaging around £63/head. Last Saturday’s annual Loughgiel sheep sale saw prices top out at £152 while other mule ewe lambs sold from £108 to £128/head.
There were 210 store cattle on offer on Tuesday, with bullocks under 500kg selling from £2.32/kg to £2.46/kg while those over 500kg sold, from £2.02/kg to £2.33/kg. Store heifers sold from £1.82/kg for an Angus to £2.24/kg for a top-quality Limouisn. Heavy heifers over 500kg sold from £1.80/kg to £2.24/kg.