Old reliables like Magnum and Enermax will take up solid chunks of the beet area this season as always, while Smart beet is likely to see an increase with new fodder beet Chava on the market (see page 38).
Enermax is a high yielding variety and has increased in area in every year of its 12 years in the market. According to Goldcrop trials its dry matter content is 18.7%, compared to Laurena for example which is a lower yielding crop (32.6t/ac), but has a higher dry matter content.
The new Smart fodder beet, which needs to be used in conjunction with Conviso 1 herbicide to control weedy beet and brassica weeds are a problem and need to be brought under control.
Smart Chava, comes in at a fresh weight yield of 34.8t/ac, 1.2t/ac below Enermax (36t/ac) in the same trials.
In trials, Magnum is reported to be yielding over 40t/ac with a dry matter content of 20.33%. Bergman is another variety on the market with a lower yield at over 36t/ac and a dry matter content of 21.8%.
Keep an eye out for other varieties like Delicante, a fodder beet hitting over 45t/ac in DLF trials, and Gahan (39.7t/ac fresh yield).
Another Smart beet variety is Smart Sanya, which is a sugar beet and had a fresh yield of 33t/ac (7.42t/ac DM yield) in Goldcrop trials.