Across the country, the general consensus is that straw is scarcer than previous years. Farmers in the west are willing to pay up to €16 for reasonable-quality 4x4 round bales off the field, with delivered bales quoted in recent days at €18 to €22, depending on quality. A high percentage of the harvest has been cut and saved, but in selected areas of the west and northwest and pockets in the south and east, spring crops still remain to be harvested. At this stage, crops left to harvest are going to incur heavy losses.
Farmers in western and northern areas are also worried that they will not have enough straw for the winter, given the fact that some farmers have already started to house animals. The common theme is that there is plenty of straw in the fields, particularly in the south and midlands of the country, but the weather has managed to prevent any baling from taking place over the last three weeks.
In north Tipperary, many fields still remain to be baled. Farmers have been trying to toss and bale straw for the last couple of weeks, but baling has been halted on numerous occasions due to wet weather and difficult ground.
Any straw that has been baled has been bought up by farmers at an average price of €10 to €12 per bale, with quality again influencing prices.
Looking at the straw market in Meath, farmers are reporting that any straw which has been baled is now sold. A large amount of straw still has to be baled and many farmers are agreeing to sell 4x4 round bales for €13 to €15. Similar to the nationwide picture, very few Meath farmers were able to bale in the last three weeks.
Heading down south, Cork farmers are saying that 60% of straw still has to be baled and straw quality is constantly deteriorating, with many farmers reporting that straw is turning black.
Weather has been the core factor which has prevented Cork farmers from baling. Coastal fog has been a problem for the past month for those near the sea. 4x4 round bales are selling straight from the field at €13. However, some dealers are selling good-quality 4x4 round bales from their sheds at a price of €15.
In intensive tillage areas such as Waterford, Wexford and Carlow, 4x4 bales have been selling for €12. However, all straw in these areas is sold and any straw still remaining to be baled is of poor quality and is turning black. Even though the weather may not be as horrendous down in the southeast, farmers are still struggling to get a few days of fine weather.