The rain that has fallen in recent days and weeks has saturated land. It will take a lot to dry ground out at present. Land is not trafficable for most people. This gives time for planning and preparation for the season ahead.
Decide on cropping plans, look through varieties and order seed. Many merchants are contacting farmers for their seed orders. Get back to merchants with your orders to try and secure the varieties you want to grow. If you are home-saving seed make sure to get it tested as soon as possible with the Department of Agriculture for disease and germination. You will need the thousand grain weight to calculate the seed rate. Irish certified seed, gives confidence when sowing as it has guaranteed germination and is free of grass weeds. Seed is an important investment at the start of the season.
Complete your nutrient management plan and be ready to order fertiliser when you have settled on a price. Fertiliser prices could always be lower, but eventually you have to make a decision and purchase. When people do start to plant in the spring time there will be a rush on. Have fertiliser for winter crops to hand when you need it.
Check soil test results and see if any fields need lime. It can be applied before ploughing or cultivations when land is a bit drier. If your soil has a low-soil pH nutrients will not be as available. Spreading lime is one of the best investments that can be made on a farm if soil pH is low. Your soil test results or your adviser should give you the lime requirement. If your field requires more than 7.5t/ha (3t/ac) of lime then the application should be split in two. One now, and one in two years time.
Field margins
When planting there is a requirement to keep 3m of land uncultivated beside a watercourse. Most people have these in place now. They cannot receive any spray or fertiliser. Check your maps and make sure you are happy that all are in the right place.
ITLUS scholarship
For any of our younger readers, the Irish Tillage and Land Use Society (ITLUS) has brought back it’s Rosenbohm Scholarship. The bursary which is supported by the Irish Farmers Journal and the Ulster Arable Society offers a young person the opportunity to work on the Rosenbohm family farm in Missouri in the US. You can apply for the scholarship by filling out the form that is available on the ITLUS website by 14 February. To apply you need to be at least 20 years old on 1 January 2025, be resident on the island of Ireland, be studying agriculture, have a full, clean driving licence and have experience working modern machinery.
There are plenty of events happening across the country. Get out to some of these events to keep up to date with rules, but also to meet other farmers and have a chat. There will be some crop walks as well so keep an eye out.